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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

India Venture Capital & Private Equity Report

If you are a Early Stage Startup, your chances are of getting VC or Private Equity funding is very slim and numbers prove it – Only 9% of all the VC / PE deals have been for early stage companies between 2004 to 2008. This is especially true during the times of recession. Venture Capitalists play it safe and hardly venture in funding a early stage startups.
These are the findings of “India Venture Capital & Private Equity Report 2009”, created by Thillai Rajan & Ashish Deshmukh of IIT, Madras. The report analysis in detail the venture capital and Private Equity funding in India between 2004 to 2008.
India had seen tremendous growth in overall Private Equity funding (2008 was exception due to downturn) – In 2004, the total value of PE deals was $1.8 billion which grew tremendously to $22 billion in 2007 and then falling down to $8.1 billion in 2008.

Here are some of the highlights of the report:

Stage wise Private Equity Investment between 2004 to 2008

PrivetEquityVCFunding India Venture Capital & Private Equity 
Out of the total PE VC Investments, around 50% went to Growth and Late stage companies.

Industry-wise Private Equity Investment breakup by amountIndustrywisePEInvestmentbreakup India Venture Capital & Private
 Equity Report

Financial Services Sector (24%) got the biggest share of Investment, followed by Telecom & Media (17%), Engineering & Construction (15%) and IT & ITES (13%).

Industry-wise Private Equity Investment breakup by Deal numbers

IndustrywisePEinvestmentdeals India Venture Capital & Private 
Equity Report
While the Financial Services sector lead in the total PE Investment amount, IT & ITES sector (20%) generated maximum number of deals followed by Manufacturing (17%) and Financial Services (13%).

Early Stage Vs Late Stage Private Equity Investments

EarlyStageVsLateStage India Venture Capital & Private Equity 
Like mentioned earlier, the Early stage Investment saw biggest drop (90%) in 2008 due to downturn, while the Late stage investment was relatively unaffected.
If you need the complete report giving in-depth analysis of all the Private Equity deals executed between 2004 to 2008, please drop in a comment.

India Corruption & Bribery ReportIndia Corruption & Bribery Report

We have been reporting from time to time on this blog about how corruption is widespread (as if I had to tell you that :) in India and who are the people who take maximum bribes.
However, I was not able to actually provide any numbers on the extent of corruption in India. Finally after some research, we have some numbers for you that can quantitatively measure the extent of corruption.

India Corruption & Bribery Report

  • What is the amount of bribes requested by people in India?

Reported Bribe Demands thumb India Corruption & Bribery
The above numbers clearly suggest that Bribery in India is at a grass root level with close 86% demands were done for $5000 or less (2,50,000 rupees or less, out which more than half were for $26 (Rs. 1300) or less.
Because, corruption takes place at such a grass root level, it is extremely difficult to contain it.
Having said that, 14 people out of 100 taking bribes are for amount more than $5000 (Rs. 2,50,000). Actually, if you look at the top officials are even more corrupt. I will tell you why I say that –
The number of big bosses is merely 1%-2% of all officials, yet according to the report 14% of bribes are of huge amounts, showing that big bosses are involved even more compared to low level officials who are taking bribes.
On a sidenote, China’s number is much higher with 24% of reported demands were for amounts between $5,001 and $50,000, 6% of reported demands were for amounts between $50,001 and $500,000, and 6% were
for amounts greater than $500,000. interesting…

  • What is the nature of Bribe Demands in India?
Nature of bribe demands in India thumb India Corruption 
& Bribery Report 
No guesses here – if you want to get your work done, bribe em’ ! thats what is quite clear and in line with the notion we have.
More than half of all the bribes were paid to get the work in time !
77% of all reported bribe demands in India are related to the avoidance of
harm, including securing the timely delivery of a service – which is actually a right of a person (such as clearing customs or having a telephone line installed) and receiving payment for services already rendered
Only 12% of the bribe demands were for gaining a personal or business advantage (including exercising influence with or over another government official, receiving inappropriate favorable treatment or winning new business).
One thing for sure, we are now used to this corrupt system and take it in our stride as part & parcel. We do not want to go extra lengths and take the easy way out. But this easy way out is actually the roots of corruption in India.

  • Who demand bribe in India?

Bribe requestors in India thumb India Corruption & 
Bribery Report

No guesses here !
Whooping 91% of reported bribe demands originate from government officials in India.
The greatest sources of bribe demands, were from national level Government officials (33%), the police (30%), state/provincial officials and employees (16%), and city officials (10%) respectively .
Do you know which of the two Indian ministries ask for bribe more than other? – They are Customs office (13%) and Taxation and Water (9%).
China fares slightly well when it comes to Government officials taking bribe (85%) – Another major difference is that India Police (30%) are far more corrupt than their Chinese counterparts (only 11%).

  • What is the frequency of Bribe Demands in India?

Frequency of Bribe demands thumb India Corruption & 
Bribery Report
Nearly 90% indicated being solicited for a bribe between two and 20 times.
Overall 60% people reported bribe demands of 5 times or lower from the same individual. However, 9% asked for bribes more than 100 times.
Compared to China, it differs significantly with 73% people indicating that they had received multiple bribe requests. Almost 20% of those individuals reported receiving more than 100 bribe demands in China.

  • In what form was the bribe requested?

Do you want any tips on how to give bribes? here is what our corrupt officials prefer..
If in doubt, give cash, as 92% of all bribes are preferred to be “cash or cash equivalent,” The next best thing is a “gift,” (5%) including requests for company products, jewelry and similar items. Less common still, at approx. 1% each, were requests for hospitality or entertainment items; travel for other than business purposes; and other assistance, such as
help with a visa, medical care, or scholarships.
Surprisingly, there were no reports in India of demands for “additional business” or “sexual favors.” In China, those demands accounted for a combined total of 7% of reported bribe solicitations.

5 reasons you should not be pursuing an MBA

We are in the midst of results & admission season and there is one question that most come across quite frequently from students – Should I or should I not opt for MBA – So we decided put across reasons that may help those on the fence!
Are you confused about what you must do after graduation? Allow us to warn you: this is a dangerous time period. Don’t just keep filling up forms for studying an MBA without knowing what it entails. The following are the times when we think that you should be extra careful before blindly applying for MBA courses.
colleges 5 reasons you should not be pursuing an MBA

5 reason you should not be pursuing an MBA

When you’re very clear you want to start your own business

Let’s take a reality check. How many top businessmen in India today have a certified MBA from Wharton? Mind you, I’m talking about first generation founders, not their filthy rich children who went to Harvard Business School with a silver spoon in their mouths. We suggest you spend more time pampering the follicles of your head to generate a Big Idea instead of wasting time making a business plan that will never get you a loan. You can always hire an MBA to do that later isn’t it?

When you know you can’t afford it

Be real guys. Don’t stretch yourself to do an MBA from a top school if you don’t have the big bucks to fuel your education. And what’s the point of taking a loan if you’re going to end up spending the rest of your life paying it back? If you look around you well enough, you’ll realise that there’s tons you can do with your current education. An MBA is not the be all and end all of everything. It’s more about how motivated you are.

When you’re doing it just because your friend did it

We can’t stress this enough – It’s okay not to know what you’re going to do with your life. Take advantage of this confusion to try out different things to see where your passion lies. Don’t pursue a business degree blindly. Most MBA students, in any case, are victims of the ‘herd mentality’. Why do you want to join them?

When you just want to give your career a push

We know academic inflation is in full play right now. Years back, the jobs that opened up in the market for graduates may now available only for MBA students. Whether those jobs actually require an MBA degree or not is a separate discussion! But this doesn’t mean you give into the pressure. If you don’t know how you are going to apply the MBA to your career, trust us, it really won’t matter. You might be successful in getting a job, but you’ll be stagnant very soon.

When you want a big pay check

This one is our favorite pet peeves. We think the top B-schools are to be blamed for it. Just because students get picked up straight from the campuses of a few select good B-schools for hefty pay checks, it doesn’t mean the same is going to apply to everyone. If you are an MBA grad from an ordinary B-school, don’t consider yourself to be any different than those from the top schools.
If you’re facing peer or parental pressure for doing an MBA, go through these points and see if they make sense. You could save yourself a fortune, of time and money, by actually NOT doing an MBA.

Top Outsourcing Cities in the world

India has reiterated its position as the top Outsourcing Destination in the world – 6 out of 8 cities figure in the list of Top Outsourcing Cities in the world according to the report – Top 50 Emerging Global Outsourcing Cities -  jointly released by CyberMedia and Tholons Research group.
top50emergingoutsourcingdestinations Top Outsourcing 
Cities in the world
Here are the highlights of the report
Top Outsourcing Cities in the world
Although we hear every now and then that Indian Outsourcing Industry is facing tremendous competition from China, it does not seem to be a reality. India has reiterated the fact that it is the top Outsourcing Destination with 6 out of the Top 8 Global Outsourcing Cities are from India and the list notices no change compared to last year. The list continues to be dominated by Indian outsourcing locations, with only two non-Indian locations (Dublin and Manila)
Top8outsourcingcities Top Outsourcing Cities in the world
Top Outsourcing Nations in the World
Although, China has been touted as the fastest growing and giving stiff competition to India, it still comes 4th on the list and is yet to surpass Philippines and Ireland.
2009 Rank
Top Outsourcing Nations

Top Emerging Outsourcing Nations in the World

2009 Rank
Top Emerging Outsourcing  Nations
To be honest, I do not think Indian Outsourcing Industry has anything to worry about in near future (say 5 – 8 years), especially because it is not relying on its past laurels.
Most of top Indian Software companies have been proactive a

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Nandamuri Balakrishna’s new film under the direction of B.Goapl is all set to launch on June 10th on the eve of his Birthday. The movie launch is going to be held in a grand style. The movie will be produced by Bellamkonda Suresh on Sri Sai Ganesh Productions banner. Director B.Gopal said that the film is an action entertainer and NBK will be seen in a powerful role. Chinni Krishna is the script writer of the film.


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